Common Signs that it May Be Time to Replace Your Fuel Pump

As most of us know, your car’s fuel pump has one primary function – to move fuel from your gas tank to your vehicle’s engine. For this very reason, this automotive component is a vital part of the overall operation of your vehicle. With that said, should any type of mechanical malfunction or damage occur to your fuel pump you can be looking at some very serious automotive problems.

The folks here at Auto Clinic of Franklin want to provide you with insight needed to recognize and understand early on the warning signs that may be directly associated with a malfunctioning fuel pump. Once you have a pretty good understanding of the warning signs we strongly suggest, should you experience any of them, you immediately reach out to our certified team to perform an inspection and analysis of your vehicle. Should we find that your fuel pump is, in fat, malfunctioning or damaged, then we will replace this integral component before it experiences a complete malfunction or contributes to other critical mechanical issues in time. Here are some of the most obvious warning signs affiliated with a fuel pump malfunction or problem.

  • Your engine will not start – This is one of the most obvious warning signs of a malfunctioning or damaged fuel pump. A faulty pump cannot transfer enough fuel from the tank to the engine which ultimately results in repeated efforts and cranking to get the engine started.
  • A stuttering engine – When driving your vehicle if you notice that your engine is consistently stuttering or jolting, this is a clear indication that your fuel pump is not working properly.   The stuttering or jolting occurs because the pump is unable to push a sufficient amount of fuel to your vehicle’s engine and, therefore, is unable to maintain a specific speed.
  • Minimized fuel efficiency – When your pump is not working effectively, either insufficient amounts of fuel or excessive amounts are being supplied to the engine causing fuel inefficiency. If you do not address the problem up front, over time you will find that your engine will be burning off more fuel than is necessary as it struggles to operate according to its design and purpose.
  • Your engine surges – If, while driving, you notice sudden speed increases or surges this is because the fuel pump is pushing too much gasoline to the engine. If this process continues you may find yourself faced with a flooded engine which will cause your vehicle to completely stall out without any additional warning.
  • You hear unfamiliar high-pitched noises – When you are driving along, if you happen to notice an annoying high-pitched sound coming from your engine, then chances are your fuel pump is to blame. More times than not these loud noises are indicators that the components within the pump have suffered excessive wear. Keep in mind, that if you are hearing loud screeching sounds now, if you do not address them immediately, you will pretty much find yourself faced with a more serious mechanical problem over time.

Though there are a number of issues that could be the cause of your vehicle’s poor performance, if you recognize any of the above warning signs, there is a good chance your fuel pump is the primary culprit for the problems at hand. Be smart, be wise. Should you notice any of these warning signs, don’t delay. Contact the professionals here at Auto Clinic of Franklin to perform an inspection and analysis of your fuel pump and to provide you with effective solutions to your problem.

Our team of highly skilled and trained mechanics is on hand to answer your questions and offer information and insight as needed. We are more than happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your vehicle’s fuel pump or any other automotive issues you may be experiencing as well. Feel free to contact our professionals today. We look forward to serving you and to providing you with our top-rated products and services year after year.

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