Tips for Spring Wet Weather Driving

Now that spring is in full bloom and summer right around the corner, drivers need to give some focus to wet weather driving that often occurs during the May and June rainy months. When accidents do occur, most individuals tend to lay blame with the weather itself rather than their lack of attention and focus to the conditions at hand. Rainy wet roads and highways are familiar driving hazards that drivers can easily and effectively prepare for by thinking ahead, being patient and staying focused. With that said, the team here at Auto Clinic of Franklin want to share some simple, but important tips to help you when driving in wet weather conditions.

Wet Weather Driving

Wet Weather Driving


For the most part, the failure of a driver to respond appropriately to the hazardous weather conditions and to the many risks that are affiliated with those conditions, is more times than not the primary cause of many accidents that occur when drivers find themselves faced with the challenge.

  • Various weather conditions, whether rain, snow, ice or hail, have a direct impact on your visibility, traction and your ability to properly control your vehicle. When driving in any type of wet weather, it is important to recognize that every vehicle needs to have greater distance and space between them in the driver’s efforts to maintain consistent control. When you are driving in conditions that present with reduced traction, it is best to allow an additional distance of at least double the normal amount of space you would allow in dry weather conditions so as to be able to deal with and handle the current driving conditions.
  • Further to your ability to drive safely in wet weather is the simple fact that your tires need to be in tip top shape since the contact they have with the roadway is critical to your ride. If your tires do not have sufficient treads, they will be unable to move the water away from your tires and will ultimately cause your vehicle to hydroplane. Hydroplaning typically occurs when your tires have a minimized grip capability because of the water buildup between the roadway and your tires. With that said, it is important you keep a close watch on your tire tread depths and the overall health and safety of your tires.
  • You also want to be sure to check your windshield wiper blades regularly and certainly in advance of any wet weather driving you may have to do. Remember, when purchasing wiper blades, you absolutely get what you pay for so investing a little bit of money on premium windshield wipers is sure to be a benefit you’ll appreciate over and over again.
  • Be sure to maintain a safe speed when driving in the rain or other wet weather and make always turn your lights on when driving as well. Fog lights can be especially helpful when driving in hazardous wet weather conditions.
  • Finally, wet weather driving requires drivers to engage in gentle use of their steering, brakes, clutch and accelerator in their efforts to minimize errors, accidents and/or emergencies. Bottom line – take it easy when you are driving in any type of wet weather conditions.


Here at Auto Clinic of Franklin, we are committed to the well-being and safety of all our valued clients which is why we wanted to share these wet weather driving tips with you. If you have any questions about hazardous driving conditions and the risks, feel free to reach out to our friendly, certified professionals. Our team looks forward to serving you and to providing you with the highest quality automotive services and repairs this side of Franklin. Don’t delay. Schedule your appointment today!

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